Chamomile Herb


Herb Chamomile

Herb Chamomile is an attractive plant featuring delicate white flowers with yellow centers and light green feathery leaves. The flowers emit an apple-like fragrance when crushed, which inspired its name; “chamomile” derives from the Greek term for “earth-apple.”


  • Widely recognized in herbal medicine, particularly for aiding sleep and alleviating digestive issues.
  • Historically used for a variety of disorders, including asthma, migraines, colic, fevers, and skin diseases.
  • The flower and its essential oils are known for anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.
  • Commonly found in foods, cosmetics, disinfectants, and medicinal products.


  • Rarely found in the wild today, but has been cultivated since ancient times.
  • Notably pest-resistant; it even repels cucumber beetles, making it a great companion plant in vegetable gardens.

Historical Significance:
Chamomile has been a popular remedy since ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, gaining further popularity during the Middle Ages as a remedy for various ailments. It is often likened to ginseng in its widespread use in European herbal medicine.

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